1 ACT! for PSION 2 COM%1 3 \nInitializing the PSION database.\nPlease wait... 4 \nSending Popup Menus.\nPlease wait... 5 \nSending Field Descriptions.\nPlease wait... 255 ? 256 Call Attempt 257 CallComplete 258 CallReceived 259 FieldChanged 260 Access 261 LetterSent 262 MeetingDone 263 MeetingNotDone 264 ToDoDone 265 ToDoNotDone 266 Timer 267 CallErased 268 ContactDeleted 269 UpdateContact 270 UpdateActivity 271 DeleteActivity 272 EmailSent 273 CallLeftMessage 306 FaxSent 307 SynchSent 308 SynchReceived 309 ReplaceFieldsLog 310 ToDoErased 311 MeetingErased 312 Error 1023 An error has occured in transferring data to the Series 3a.\n\n 1024 No error. 1025 Series 3a is already busy. 1026 Series 3a is idle. 1027 No connection has been made to the Series 3a. 1028 Unknown command on Series 3a. 1029 Paket size to big. 1030 Cannot find the given record. 1035 Not enough memory on the Series 3a. 1040 Timeout error. 22227 Symantec\ACT! 22228 Comm Port 22229 Baud Rate 22230 PSION Link 22231 Auto Detect Comm Port